Category: Prompts

From time to time, I will answer traditional journal prompts, and answer them on my blog. It’s a great way to get to know me in a fun way.

Do lazy days make you feel rested?

This was a fun prompt! I completely agree with this one, and I feel like lazy days can help me tackle heavy days, especially with classes. I always need my caffeine companion, however this can set the day off right.

I can even have a lazy day and night (such as yesterday) where I stay up later, but I can still lock in, come the morning. I have always considered myself gifted with this ability, which I greatly appreciate that I can do. Sleep is a tough subject, and while I have to deal with issues falling asleep, I still have the upside of handling the lack of sleep when I need extra time for things like late-nite blog posts and homeworks.

I would even extend on this and say nighttime is my most productive time for work. Recently some server problems had kept me up diagnosing issues!

What have you been working on?

This was a very interesting prompt, and made me decide to make it into a technology post as well. I would like to introduce you to my private home lab hosted in the cloud, which I have been working on for quite a while now. This article may include a lot of technical terms, so apologies in advance.

This article is part one.

The server itself is running Docker, with all of the data folders being nearly organized, and grouped with their docker-compose.yml files. NGINX Proxy Manager handles reverse proxies with my various domains, so everything can be accessed easily. Yes, it becomes a mess of ports, though I am still able to track down everything, and my workflow is still effective.

This whole server has taken about two days to setup. It works on a private network with VPN profiles routed through DigitalOcean. I’ve really focused on security with this project, more than others.

My server dashboard on the web

The base of the project all starts with my dashboard. This uses the Docker image “homepage,” with a custom background and theme, with different icons imported from my service in YAML config files.

The setup was more tedious than what I am used to, Homarr. However, pings were broken on Homarr, and some integrations worked poorly for me. Thus, I believe Homepage was a good alternative and has brought an even better UI.

Next, we have Webmin. Webmin is an amazing web server manager, which includes incredibly useful tools like iptables firewall management and upload/download from the server. These features have increased my workflow speed so much, and I have been a huge fan of Webmin for a while.

My server’s Portainer web dashboard

Another critical application running in the web is Portainer, which helps you easily manage your Docker containers. I especially love the easy access to the IP address of containers and looking at ports and mounts.

Portainer Community Edition has been great so far, and I don’t think anyone except a real company needs it.

What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to?

This was an interesting prompt I was really interested in answering. Upon thinking about my answer to this question, I realized that I love taking risks. Risks fuel me to advance in life, as I feel like doing things aside from the regular “script” holds me back from true happiness.

My answer to this question is traveling internationally. I have always wanted to travel to Europe, and possibly visit friends in Slovakia and the UK. However, why do I consider this risky? Well, I feel like I won’t be perfectly secure with my finances, and spare money won’t be super common. Thus, it’s a risk, but I am always looking for risks to take which yield a positive and healthy result.

I would like to spin this prompt into a self reflection for you (the reader). What do you want to do in life that you feel is risky? Can you actually do those things? If anything, what’s holding you back?

I always enjoy a good journaling session, so I have expanded on this prompt there, which I won’t be posting. I encourage you to purchase a journal and prompt yourself about your life for later on! I am always looking back on my old journals and referencing my mentality compared to the present, or just letting my curious side out.

If you’re just getting into journaling, I suggest Moleskine (their journals are ~$25) and purchasing a LAMY pen (they are a German pen company which makes high quality pens and ink). Nice journaling items has seemed to help encourage me to enjoy the process, and keep organized.

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